Wandering Songs | Do you know any artists?
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Do you know any artists?

10 Feb Do you know any artists?

Wandering Songs is looking for artists in the Netherlands with original songs in their native language. The singer needs to accompany him/herself on an acoustic instrument or bring an instrumentalist. We record and film (without any form of payment) on location and we are able to travel anywhere in the Netherlands. The project emphasises the importance of meaning in music. All recorded songs will be subtitled in English in order to spread the message to a wide audience. The video clips of the recorded songs will be uploaded on our website www.songsbeyondborders.com -the artist keeps full ownership of the song- and publicity will be sought. Are you interested in having your song(s) recorded or do you know others who would like to be part of the Wandering Songs edition in the Netherlands? Let us know by sending a message to:mail@wanderingsongs.com. Since Wandering Songs is run by a committee of volunteers and makes recordings without receiving any payment, we are also interested in hearing from potential donors or partners. We enjoy making new connections.

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